- 19, Jun 2016 by Admin
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End of Year Show Cases Coming Soon
The end of the term is coming up fast and all of our classes are working hard on their final Show Case for this year. Each group will perform their work in front of family and friends during the next couple of weeks.
Our Junior drama and dance classes will be performing their show of Ahmed and the Feather Girl, the Year 7 Drama class will be performing a comical farce from The Arabian Nights and our Senior Dance Class will perform their Spooky Dance. Meanwhile our talented Youth Theatre have been busy creating their own Silent Movie. They will film the final movie next week and then edit it, so we are all looking forward to seeing how that comes out.
After the Show Cases, our weekly classes will take a break until September. Of course, we still have our Charlie and the Chocolate Summer School, Dance Summer School and Drama Summer School to keep us all occupied.
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